Trident Press Wealth Creation Books

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Business Update

Well i have to update you all of course but quite simply i have nothing to tell.
WHY? Well as i am reliant on personal income (currently that is zero) hubby's income supports us for now so i can no longer afford to use his to buy products or goods in relation to my business.
I should be working on my plan or my wealth creation strategies but to tell you the truth they are all impossibly hard and getting me no where.
I will get back into it again but i have been focussed completely on the renovation of my house which also chews up any money we have free.
I'm thinking of taking on a new direction something to do with home renovation/homeware sales etc. My passion is renovating old houses and one day i hope to be investing in such houses and renovating for profit. My other passion is furniture and homewares and as stated in a previous post i hope to open a chain of stores selling unique renovated furniture and homewares.
As i'm looking at setting up websites i figure i should be looking in these areas.
I plan on working on my already established plans and pursuing them still but may instead of focussing on small business help online i'll tackle the equelly competitive market of home reno.
As yet this is just an idea and as i have so many of them i really need a kick in the pants to stay focussed on one thing at a time.
I'll get back to that now and see how i go.


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