Been a while>
Hi there.
I haven't posted for so long as i have been busy, busy. Not on the business unfortunately but i brought a house!!
So am back on the road to financial security and hopefully financial independance.
As for the business - well i am still creating new products trying to find the right one's. Having trouble finding a suitable website template but have narrowed down a few.
Am yet to register the business name, domain etc due to a strain on finances given i'm buying a house.
I'll get there.
I must add i have a very strong motivation to become a millionaire.
I am determined to do it an via business as this and real estate are my preferred means.
I very much want to start a company and run all busineses under the one umbrella but am a way off that as i am still on start up.
Auzzie $tart is my new website, set up to help others like me to get on with it and i hope to have that online shortly.
I'd better get moving on all this or i'll still be dreaming in a years time.
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